Does Copper Jewelry have Healing Properties?

The tradition of wearing copper bracelets has become a fashion statement today. But have you wondered why this tradition is there in the first place? Well, recent researches have proven copper to be having healing properties. If you want to feel it, just wear a copper bangle on your wrists. The shine of copper is an indicator of your health. If the copper is shiny, it indicates good health and if you are not well it will go dark and develop a patina. So, the healing jewelry is not just a tradition but a way to good health as well.

What makes copper heal you?

Anti microbial property of water helps it to purify water, heal wounds and also helps in keeping infection contained. It is the oligodynamic effect on microbes which is the process of ionization of copper. When ionized it tampers with the cellular structure of the pathogens ultimately killing them.

Copper is also a micro nutrient required by our body, and helps the body in many ways. It synthesizes calcium making the bones stronger via increasing bone density, helps in making of new cells and also helps in iron synthesis and absorption.

Copper Jug

The most popular use of copper in our daily lives is using it as a jewelry item and as a vessel for storing water. Use of copper water jug helps purify the water and also supplies some part of copper required by our body. Slow release of copper through our skin happens while wearing copper jewelry. It helps in relieving joint pain and fortifying neurons in brain. Headaches, joint pain and arthritis can be cured by using Brass or copper jewelry, and it works! for more information visit there……..

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